
When you are the speaker, the logistics falls under your domain. If you don’t care for the way the room is set up, change it. One time I asked the event coordinator to change the room from rows set up in classroom style to a large “U”. That made it easier to walk among the attendees and engage them in the presentation.

If you need special equipment, bring your own if possible. If not, be sure to specifically request what you need. I always carry my own wireless headset. Radio Shack carries a great system which is affordable and very reliable.

I personally don’t recommend using Power Point slides, laptop presentations or any other method of electronics. I believe it puts a barrier between the speaker and the audience. However, you can have Kinkos prepare professional flipchart presentations to keep you on track.

I used to attend one of the group meetings prior to the date of my speaking engagement. Remember I mentioned I like to interview those in the group to get pertinent content for my presentation, but it’s also helpful to become more comfortable with the group.

Confirm the location, time you’ll begin, length of your presentation and any equipment requirements you have. Be sure to get to the event early enough to test the equipment. Make sure you get permission to hand out feedback forms and encourage the attendees fill them out.