Feeling tense before giving a speech is normal even before, but too much tension can be prejudicial. Here are some substantiate tips on how to control your butterflies and end up for a round of applause Presentations:

1.) Identify your Materials – Choose a topic you are concerned in. Define more about it including your speech. Apply humor, and Personal stories, and idiomatic language – that way you won’t easily forget what to say.

2.) Do a drill – Practice out loud with all the tools strategy you have. Modify as needed. Work to control your pitch; Rehearse, Pause and take a deep breathe. Expect the Unexpected.

3.) Identify your Audience – Acknowledge some of the audience as they arrive, It’s easier to talk to a sort of friends than to strangers.

4.) Know the Room – Come early, move around the floor and practice using the microphone and visual aids.

5.) Stay Calm – Start by addressing the audience. It gets you time and calms your nerves. Pause, smile and count to three before saying anything. Convert nervous energy into enthusiasm.

6.) Imagine yourself giving your speech – visualize yourself speaking, your voice loud, clear and confident. Picture out the audience clapping – it will bring you confidence.

7.) Recognize those people want you to succeed – Audiences want you to be, interesting, appealing, informative and entertaining.

8.) Never Say Sorry – for any error or problem – the audience probably never recognized it.

9.) Focus on the Message – Center your attention away from your anxieties and concentrate on your message and to your listener, the Audience.

10.) Acquire Experience – Your speech should specially express you – as an authority and as a person. Experience establishes confidence which is the key to successful and effective speaking.


I was invited to be part of the panel at the JV Alert event in San Diego by Ken McArthur. I felt honored to be included among speakers such as Mike Koenig, Adam Urbansky and other household names in the Internet Marketing arena.

The format was the attendees were encouraged to do a five minute pitch about their business. The panelist then voted on the presentation they believed to be the one they would be able to support.

The next day the person who received the most votes was able to do a 20 minute pitch to obtain more support and help in what they are going to do. We were able to offer feedback on their presentation and suggestions on potential additional resources they might use.

One of the results was I had someone approach me after the panel on the second day and asked if he could have my business card to pass on to a friend of his who had just finished his book.

What was I to say? The amazing thing is, his friend called me yesterday! We finally talked this morning and it looks like we will be able to work together.

Again, it starts with showing up!