SpeakEasy Course

When I first started to speak in the business community it was only because my mentor insisted my business would never become what I wanted it to be if I didn’t.

I joined Toastmasters which is an International speaking organization as soon as I found a local chapter. The challenge was they didn’t teach the art of professional speaking or developing a platform.

It was a great place to learn how to memorize presentations, compete wth other speakers and learn how to do impromtu speaking. But I needed a great deal more than that to make it as a professional speaker.

But what I really needed was:

  • How to get paid speaking engagements
  • How to develop presentations which would work with a variety of audiences
  • How to get referrals from other speakers
  • How to develop Back of the Room Sales materials
  • How to get booked for Keynote speaking engagements
  • How to earn $2,000-$5,000 even when speaking for free

That is just what this course will teach you.


Links for the 12 CD Set will be Emailed – includes workbook