Impromptu Speaking

I love coming up with new topics. It’s a test to keep me on my toes, as much as choosing difficult groups to speak with such as engineering groups. What makes them challenging for me is they are are left brain analyticals and they aren’t as easy to entertain as a mixed audience.

On Tuesday I was speaking at a new Meetup group in Campbell for authors. They were so much fun. There were only 35  people in attendance, but they were all eager to learn more about blogging and writing.

I started out talking about my history and how I got started speaking and went on for about ten minutes and then began to talk about the appointed blogging topic.

The presentation is never the same no matter how often I do it. It is so much fun to inspire the audience to and challenge them to do something that will make a difference in their lives.

After I was finished the questions went on for about an hour. I think I enjoy the questions as much as speaking. Two of the women followed me out to the car and told me how much the enjoyed the beginning of my presentation and how they related to my stories.

They both signed up for my class after wards.