
If you’re like me, you can never find enough places to speak. I am always looking for new places to speak and enjoy finding new audiences. I have been speaking since 1992 and in the last five or six years, no matter where I speak, I almost always have someone in the audience who has already heard me speak.

Here’s some ideas on how you can create venues for yourself so you can get more exposure in your community:

  • Rotary Clubs
  • Lions Clubs
  • Kiwanis Clubs
  • Soroptomists International
  • Associations
  • Chambers of Commerce
  • Women’s Organizations
  • Professional Organizations
  • MeetUp Groups
  • Outplacement Groups

You can also find other speakers and produce joint ventures all equally sharing the promotions and and responsibility of producing the venue.

Usually in the Sunday paper there is a listing of business meetings in the community and they typically list the contact information for the organization. You can call and ask if they bring in outside speakers.

I’ve also looked through other speakers websites to find the list of speaking engagements they have had. The Business Times newspapers also has a great list of potential speaking engagements in their on line calendar.

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