Speaking to Authors

This week I’m speaking to a group of authors in Milpitas. I always strive to provide more content than anyone will ever expect.

Authors need to learn to get over their fear of speaking and get out into the community and start earning what they deserve.

Getting Speaking Engagements is a topic I have developed over the years and it teaches a simple formula to get everyone out and in front of their target audience.

I always suggest people start out by speaking at their local service organizations like the Rotary, Lions and Kiwanis groups. By the time you’ve been able to speak at more than 50 groups, you will be comfortable enough to speak anywhere with any type of audience.

While speaking at the service organizations, I recommend you record your presentations. If you’re pleased with the recording, edit the audio, add an music intro and tail, and you’ll have the material to burn a CD and now you have a product to sell at your next engagement.

Most authors truly believe their job is over when they’ve finished their books. But the truth is, that is when their job begins. Speaking is one of the easiest methods of increasing your income with the least amount of effort.